Friday 26 November 2010


Goshhh!! I haven't updated in ages!
So busy with school! Eugh. Last year at school sucks!

Right I have something to talk about. I will finish my stupid Korean band obsession posts another time but right now I wanna talk about which celebrities have the same birthdays as us?

Is it just me that gets a tad bit happier when I find out of the idols I adore has the same birthday as me. Even if it's just the same year, or the same day on a different month, I get excited?!

Anyone else? So, who's birthday is the same as yours? Well mine are, I was born 23rd June '95 :

Well~~I can't any born on the 23rd, but close to 23rd are:
  1. Kim Ryeowook - 21st June '87
  2. Lee Min Ho (actor) - 22nd June '87 <--- COME ON! 1 DAY!!! ;o;o;o;
  3. Nichkhun (2PM) - 24th June '88
  4. Mika (D-NA) - 28th June '90
  5. Seohyun (SNSD) - 28th June '91
  6. Garam (D-NA) - 28th June '91
  7. Dong Ho (U-KISS) - 29th June '94
So yeah, I am a fan of all of them so I thought I would put them down :)

Comment, tell me which idols are in the same month as you or same day or whatever! 

K-Pop Kalla

Tuesday 2 November 2010

I know I said this would be about SuJu. But I'm really sorry!

TAEMIN IS BLONDE!!!! Gahhhhhh~~

Now I'll admit, at first I couldn't decide if I liked it or not, because well, the color of his skin and the color of the hair, well I didn't think they would go well...but now~~ I keep staring at picture of him with blonde,,,and it's so SEXY! Just look----->>

How can you not love this....Anyways~~ I will do half of SuJu now and half later~~

So surely you know who they are. If you don't, you really don't listen to good music #_#

Gahhh now he is just my favorite! So cute, or hot maybe, or just every word that relates to good looking possible is what he is! So he is the leader of super junior, and 27, the oldest :)) But not old! >< 27 is NOT old!

Urmmm~~ I am decided whether I do this in age order or just random or favoritism xD....1....2....3 *eenie meenie...* Just Kidding -_-'  I will do it in age's only fair since I done all the others in age order...I think I did anyway...Sooo's THE MAN~~

HEECHUL!!! mind has gone blank...well I think he is really funny. Such a retard ;D But with just love him. He is just one of them easy to love people. Gawd...I knew who he was from a fan fiction I read and I already loved him then I actually saw who he was and found out stuff about him and I seriously love this guy! *_* Oh yeah, second oldest obviously, he is 27 too :))

(  I think you should watch this video, I found it quite funny :)

Han Geng~~
Well he is the only chinese member of the group, and he is cool :)) Well, I think they all are so y'know ;D He is 26, and I really have no idea what to write about him, sadly he isn't really one of my top 5 =S

I will post this, and I will do them bit by bit because 13 guys in one blog, and also Taemin's blonde-ness is just...OMO~~ I cant believe I'm about to say this but~~ Too Much? >O

Soooo~~ Till next time