Wednesday 20 October 2010

Heyy Again!!
Soo I said that I was going to numb all your minds with Kevin...Hell yeah!
Well, for starters; HE IS SO HOT!
He is a member of U-Kiss. A group that I just happen to be obsessing over at the moment. They are all so gorgeous! Their song "Bingeul Bingeul"...So Good! I just love the dance...I learnt the main part in like 2minutes because I love it so much. If you haven't seen it, here is the video;

Isn't it just amazing! So here are some pictures of the members, just like I done in my SHINee Hello post...I can't write much about them though because I don't know that much, considering I have liked them for about 1 month now, and I have loved SHINee for like years now?

So here we go;

That is Alexander. So hot...and I think he is the oldest being 22.

This is Soo Hyun. He is the second oldest, being 21.

This is Kibum. He is 20 and I am seriously unhappy that I couldn't find a GIF for him :'( He is so cute!

Kiseop. He is 19 and he is like the new member, joining the group in 2009. I like him. A lot :D Isn't this picture so cute!
This is Eli. He is 19 too and he is like; MEGA HOT! Yummy~~

This is Kevin. He is 19. He is my favourite member of U-KISS. I am like a little stalker! But isn't he so cute!?

And least but DEFINATELY NOT least;

Dong Ho. He is 16. And just one year older than me...hehe I shall have to meet him. He is my second favourite. So cute...I love this hair too! Hotness!

Anyway~~ That is U-KISS. Hope you like them. I can't write much. I am such a liar, saying that I would numb your minds and I hardly say anything. I will make up for it next time with a group that I have a lot to say about...can you guess who they are...

The one and only~~SUPER JUNIOR!!!

Bye for now~~
Love K-Pop Kalla
xoxo <3

Friday 15 October 2010

Omg. SHINee Hello!


Now lets see...SHINee!!!!!!    KYAAAAAA!!!

I like the new song Hello. Scratch that. I LOVE the new song Hello! I am that obsessed I started to learn the dance the very day it was released! Here is the video:

Don't you just love the hair?!? Taemin is my usual. Loving the ginger! Then Jonghyun...he is so hot! Then Key of course. The kitty >^.^<
Dont forget Minho! His hair is like O.o " look soo diffrent!" *drools* do I start...he smiles a lot doesn't he! Jeez, it scared me at first but then I started to grin like a retard also!
Anyway~~Incase you don't actually know who SHINee are, here is a little up to date picture part for you ^^

This is Taemin. 17. The youngest in SHINee. My favourite. How can you not fall in love with a face like that?!?! He is the best dancer everr! Nobody can beat that body! Yummy Taeminnie! Don't you dare say anything bad about him to me because...well I don't know why but please don't. I love him too much to bear it! :')

This is Jonghyun. 20. The second oldest in SHINee. My 3rd favourite. He looks like a freeking monkey.How do you not think this is cute?!?! Hot voice. He is unexplainable. Perfect. Just google him or something, because right now, I'm having a fit because he is just so AWESOMEEE!!!!

This is Key. 19. The third oldest in SHINee. Joint 2nd. He is the kitty!  He is cute, no, hot...Mehh. I can't decide. Just plain freeking gorgeous! Love the hair too. He is such a diva. You have to love him!!

This is Minho. 19. Second youngest in SHINee. Joint 1st with Taeminnie. He is the one that raps...with the jelly leg causing deep voice! that is so sexy. Seriously, zone in on the voice, and if you are normal then your legs will fail. Or maybe I'm not normal...? I don't know but either way..SEXY!

This is Onew. 21. The oldest is SHINee. Joint 2nd. He is now called smiley. He has such a toe curling scream. I don't even care how perverted I sound saying that but he does! I love it. Anyway- he is the one that is obsessed with least it comment on his love for chicken on like every site I I'm taking that as a fact...Onew is just have to love him just for being him :))

There are your pictures. Hope you like them. (You best had do or me being a fangirl will get you for it! -_-'   Just Kidding!! Heheh)

I know this is like sooo late because the song & mv came out quite a while ago now but hey...better to express my love late rather than never, eh?

That's it for now I think but next post I am going to numb your brains with my stupid chatter about Kevin from U-Kiss!!!! Kevinkevinkevinkevinkevin! Kevin Woo..I LOVE YOU! Saranghae! (Incase you don't know...that means I love you in Korean! I'm british :D)

Love Your Korean Obsessed Freak,
Kalla xoxo