Wednesday 20 October 2010

Heyy Again!!
Soo I said that I was going to numb all your minds with Kevin...Hell yeah!
Well, for starters; HE IS SO HOT!
He is a member of U-Kiss. A group that I just happen to be obsessing over at the moment. They are all so gorgeous! Their song "Bingeul Bingeul"...So Good! I just love the dance...I learnt the main part in like 2minutes because I love it so much. If you haven't seen it, here is the video;

Isn't it just amazing! So here are some pictures of the members, just like I done in my SHINee Hello post...I can't write much about them though because I don't know that much, considering I have liked them for about 1 month now, and I have loved SHINee for like years now?

So here we go;

That is Alexander. So hot...and I think he is the oldest being 22.

This is Soo Hyun. He is the second oldest, being 21.

This is Kibum. He is 20 and I am seriously unhappy that I couldn't find a GIF for him :'( He is so cute!

Kiseop. He is 19 and he is like the new member, joining the group in 2009. I like him. A lot :D Isn't this picture so cute!
This is Eli. He is 19 too and he is like; MEGA HOT! Yummy~~

This is Kevin. He is 19. He is my favourite member of U-KISS. I am like a little stalker! But isn't he so cute!?

And least but DEFINATELY NOT least;

Dong Ho. He is 16. And just one year older than me...hehe I shall have to meet him. He is my second favourite. So cute...I love this hair too! Hotness!

Anyway~~ That is U-KISS. Hope you like them. I can't write much. I am such a liar, saying that I would numb your minds and I hardly say anything. I will make up for it next time with a group that I have a lot to say about...can you guess who they are...

The one and only~~SUPER JUNIOR!!!

Bye for now~~
Love K-Pop Kalla
xoxo <3

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